Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Leftovers Rolled Over Quiche!!


 5 eggs 1/2c tomatoes 1/2c chopped asparagus 1/2 chopped onion 1/4c  chopped yellow pepper 1 roll pie crust 1/8c heavy cream 2tsp chopped chives 1tsp garlic powder 1tsp curry powder 2tsp salt 2tsp pepper 1/2c shredded cheese

 Preheat oven to 400 place pie crust on pan and cook for 5-7 mins
beat eggs with heavy cream and spices
pour into slightly baked crust
fill with chopped veggies (any veggies will do, I just use whatever I have leftover)
bake for 10-12mins (until egg looks almost done)
cover with  cheese and bake for another 10 mins
 Slice and eat!! I like to add a little texas pete for a kick!
This can be made with any cheese or veggies, super easy, and delicious!


  1. umm how am I just realizing that you have a blog!? after you left that comment I clicked on your profile and saw this!

  2. haha, i havent done much with it, i had one before this about converting from army to civilian but i didnt have much i wanted to say! so i deleted it, and now since I am OBSESSED with pinterest, I thought this would be fun!! And my friends are always asking for my recipes, so this is way easier than all the emails! I need to get back on here more though!!
