Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Leftovers Rolled Over Quiche!!


 5 eggs 1/2c tomatoes 1/2c chopped asparagus 1/2 chopped onion 1/4c  chopped yellow pepper 1 roll pie crust 1/8c heavy cream 2tsp chopped chives 1tsp garlic powder 1tsp curry powder 2tsp salt 2tsp pepper 1/2c shredded cheese

 Preheat oven to 400 place pie crust on pan and cook for 5-7 mins
beat eggs with heavy cream and spices
pour into slightly baked crust
fill with chopped veggies (any veggies will do, I just use whatever I have leftover)
bake for 10-12mins (until egg looks almost done)
cover with  cheese and bake for another 10 mins
 Slice and eat!! I like to add a little texas pete for a kick!
This can be made with any cheese or veggies, super easy, and delicious!

Monday, July 30, 2012

BEST Old Fasioned Lemonade!

Best Lemonade EVER!

2c Sugar 5 LemonsWater
 1. Roll all your lemons!! It really helps the juice squeeze out later
 2. Grate or Peel off lemon rind for 3 lemons. JUST THE YELLOW! If you get too much white, it will taste awful!

 3. Mix the lemon rind into your sugar, and let this sit while you juice your lemons.
 Juice all 5 of your lemons.
 Mix 2c of water into your 2c of sugar, and heat on the stove until all the sugar is dissolved. About 5 mins on med-high heat.
 Pour lemon juice and sugar water through a strainer into your pitcher.
Fill pitcher the rest of the way with water and enjoy!!!
 Makes 1 Gallon!!!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Smilely Pizzas! Healthy and fun!

Don't forget to have fun with dinner!! These are whole-wheat sandwich thins, with our favorite toppings!! Easy, healthy, and fun!!

Easy Breakfast Frittata

I made this for my husband one morning with some things I had laying around in the fridge!! Easy to do with some leftovers!! 

Cooked tatertots
cooked onions, peppers, mushrooms
salt & pepper
 any cooked meat, or chopped lunch meat would be a great add to this! 

Pre heat oven to 400
Layer the bottom of your hot (med-high heat) frying pan with tater tots, then pour egg milk mix over top.
Then add the cooked peppers/onion/mushroom mix. 
Let that cook for about 5 mins, top with cheese and chopped chives and seasoning. 
After you're sure the bottom is cooked and theres only a small layer of uncooked egg on top, transfer frittata to pizza pan with foil, and finish in the oven for 5-7mins. 

You know its all done when a toothpick comes out cleanly, or you can cut through and there's no runny eggs.

Enjoy!! Enough to feed 2!

Healthy "Ice Cream" for Kids!

Banana Soft Serve from Rachael Ray #79

This is SO easy! 

Take some of those bananas that are too brown and freckly to eat, cut them up and freeze them. 

Put them in your food processor and blend them with some milk, and it comes out just like softserve ice cream!! Delicious!! 

Top with your favorites, and don't feel guilty about giving it to your kids!! And they think its a real treat!!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Fusilli with Mozzarella and Gravy:)

Fusilli with Mozzarella and Gravy

  • 1/2 box of Fusilli (curly) pasta
  • reg. olive oil + (extra virgin to add at the end)
  • butter 
  • 1/2 white onion 
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 3 tbsp all purpose flour
  • 1c red and 1c yellow cherry tomatoes
  • 1 red and 1 yellow bell peppers
  • 1pkg marinated mozzarella balls
  • 2 lemons
  • salt and pepper

Cook the pasta. In the pan, heat reg. olive oil, then add onions and peppers and butter. Let those cook until they are soft. Add Garlic and let it for a few minutes. Garlic burns very easily so watch it! Then add 1 lemons juice.Then add the flour, and let it cook for a few minutes. 

Once everything is cooked together add the tomatoes and cheese with the liquid from the container. I soaked mine together and chopped the cheese ahead of time.. but I'm sure it would be fine if you didn't. Cook all together for a few minutes, add the cooked pasta, and other lemons juice, extra virgin oil and salt and pepper. 

The mozzarella will melt some, and the tomatoes will be slightly soft. Serve with bread! Soo yummy!!