Sunday, November 11, 2012

DIY Curtain Rod with Final for $4.33 !

     I know you are wondering: How did you cut the Price of a curtain rod for a large window down to $4.33?? Well I have the answer! Its called Electric Conduit, Wood Candle Cup, and Spray Paint! 

     I have really large windows in my house of all sizes. Some are 7ft wide, others are only 5ft. But no 2 are the same! So I stumbled upon the idea of making my own curtain rods instead of purchasing the $17 adjustable option for each window. And $17 is the CHEAPEST I could find to fit a window over 48"! 

     Enter the awesome product of Electric Conduit. Sold at my Home Depot for a whopping $2 per 10ft pipe! Its 1/2in diameter, sturdy, light, and easy to paint! They cut it for you in the store, so I could have a rod for each unique window. 

     You could just stop there. Mount it on the wall with fabric loops (the cheapest of my options so far), or buy regular curtain mounting hardware. But I didn't like the look of the open end of the pipe hanging out, and when I went to buy already made 'curtain finals' (aka the decorative ball thing on the end of the rod) I discovered they too are outrageously expensive! The cheapest I could find of those was about $8 for a set of 2! Whoa! Or you can follow my lead and go to your craft store where they have Candle Cups. These are little wood pieces that have a 7/8in hole and with a little hot Glue will fit perfectly on the end of my 1/2in rod, and they are fairly narrow, so I can still slide the curtain on and off around them! These were only $2 per 6 pack!! Perfect!! 

     So I bought them all, headed home and got to spray painting! This is a messy job, so I am fortunate to have the space to do it outdoors. I would NOT recommend doing this near anything that you want paint on. I am not a professional so it ended up all in my hair, and on my hands! But they look great! I will post another blog on my diy curtains this week!! Stay tuned! 

I did these in blue to match my metal art already in my bedroom, and also did a set of tan for the downstairs windows! 

These are the Candle Cups. Nothing Fancy, but I think they'll look nice! 


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