Friday, September 14, 2012

Easy Curry!

     Some of my friends have been asking for this recipe so I thought I would share it on here for them. Curry usually scares people, but honestly the definition of curry is just a paste, spice or sauce. It does NOT mean its spicy. Indian dishes are known for their aroma and unique flavor, which I love. However, they have secrets that I am no where close to, so I use a store bought paste! And no it is not the same as the restaurant but it is very tasty, and healthy! Leaving out the cream and butter easily makes this dish vegan!

1can Mixed Veggies
1can Garbanzo Beans
1/2c Chopped white or yellow onion
2 tbs Mild Curry Paste (I use Pataks)
small Fresh Ginger root
2 cloves Garlic
4tbs Olive Oil
2tbs Butter
2tbs Heavy Cream
1.5c Any rice (I use Basmati)
2c Water

RICE: Peel Ginger. Then slice ginger like you would a carrot. I like to save one slice for the curry and drop the rest of the slices into the water. Once the water is boiling add the rice and when the water returns to a boil, turn it down to med, cover and let it do its thing. It might boil over some, and you can stir it then, but other than that I would leave it alone, until its fluffy and all the water has pulled out of the pot!

STARTING THE CURRY: Chop onions and saute with butter and oil until tender. 

When the onions are tender add garbanzo beans, then make a little circle in the middle of your pan so you can cook the paste. I add a little extra oil then dollop the paste into it. Let it cook there for a 3-5 minutes, you can spread it out in the little circle but don't mix it with the onions and chic peas until at least 3 minutes have passed.  This is also when I add the extra slice of ginger(chopped) and chopped garlic.

 **Don't forget to rinse your canned beans! They come in a very salty gooey water that isn't very appetizing and not very good for you! These beans are packed with nutrition, there's no reason to keep the water. And no, that's not soap in my strainer, that's the gooey water foaming.. bleh!
After the 3-5 minutes mix the vegetables(drained) and the curry all together. Let these simmer together for a few minutes. 
 When they are all mixed together, give it a taste! If this blend is "Curry-y" enough for you, then leave it be! I like mine a little more flavorful, So I do the little circle again, and this time with a little pad of butter. 

 After you wait the 3-5 minutes for the 2nd paste to cook, mix it all in. 
After you have it the way you want it, add the heavy cream and stir all together. Don't forget to heat up some Naan Bread to make this dish complete! Its delicious and a great way to scoop up your leftovers:)
